Friday, November 14, 2008


Things that make me happy!
Ten things that make me happy:
Knowing Jesus Christ as my savior
Watching Palin(my Pup) play
Time with my husband
Our children & grandchildren coming home
Christmas with my family
Cooking things that my husband likes
The children asking for home made bread

What are 10 things that make you happy?


  1. Hi Etta,
    I've been meaning to come and visit you but I was given orders to lay off the computer at home. I had seen that you left me a message the other and I meant to respond back but then my doctor said "NO" :D

    Thank you for dropping in and I will certainly be reading your blog. I like to start from the beginning and work my way up to the current posting. It will take me some time but I will read it.

    I noticed that you have a very 'too the point' quality of writing. I like that. It's direct and sincere.

    Deanna :)

  2. I like to have never found your blog! When I clicked on your comment it didn't bring me here.
    I love that you named your puppy Palin!!!
    OH gosh...if my doctor tells me not to blog I'll kill myself...then he won't have any income from me...
